
Tor search not working
Tor search not working

21:08:36 ERROR TorProcessManager (165) : Could not automatically start Tor. 21:08:32 INFO TorProcessManager (139) Starting Tor process with Process.Start. 21:08:32 INFO TorProcessManager (182)Ğxtracted C:\Program Files\WasabiWallet\TorDaemons\tor-win32.zip to C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Roaming\WalletWasabi\Client\tor. 21:08:32 INFO TorProcessManager (176)Ğxtracted C:\Program Files\WasabiWallet\TorDaemons\data-folder.zip to C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Roaming\WalletWasabi\Client\tor. 21:08:31 INFO TorProcessManager (105) Updating Tor. 21:08:30 INFO TorProcessManager (294) Tor did not work properly for 364 seconds.

tor search not working

In the Log File I received this error messages: Suddenly it stopped working, Wallet didn't run Tor anymore and for that reason I wasn't able to send transactions, set fees, CoinJoin etc. Wasabi always worked perfectly fine for me. I'll also let you know what worked for me. I have found a lot of different suggestions on Reddit and I thought it would be helpful to summarize them in one thread on Git.

tor search not working

I have had the same problem in the last few weeks and I really tried to solve the issue.

tor search not working

Seems like there are a lot of users facing the problem of Wasabi not connecting to the backend & not running Tor.

Tor search not working